Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Day 14

Hopefully this one will be better than the last one.
So last week I went with my dad to the ski swap. I helped out a bit and I chose new skis and boots. Well it was more my dads choosing but I like them. The skiis are very short. But my dad said that was the style this year..or something like that.
I just hope that I will actually go up alot.

Fact 14:
I love food..(hmmm have I said this before?) pretty much every kind. But my most favorite is Spaghetti or bugsghetti or pasghetti. They all mean the same thing.
But suprisingly enough I don't really like it with meat balls.
And it has to be spicy. Lots and lots of spicy.
I would be happy if you got that for me for christmas. I am being serious.

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