Thursday, November 8, 2007


These Boots!
I am sure you have seen these around town. Everybody has them. They drive me nuts. Do all the women/girl characters know that those are the worst choice shoe that there is?
They annoy me. And I cringe every time I see them.
If one of my friends starts wearing them I will pull them off her and burn them so be warned..

Fact 8: I hate winter. Snow, dark nights, having to wear bulky winter coats.
So I will be counting the days until spring.
And icy roads!...I hater driving in the winter. I am so mad that my birthday is in october which means next year when I get my L I will have to be learning in winter.


  1. haha, funny that you should blog about pet peeves...totally coincedental, I decided to let people know of a couple of my pet peeves.

    And yes..."Ugh" boots are named that for a reason. VERY bad taste if you ask me. You'll never have to worry about me wearing them.

  2. I HATE THEM TOO!!! And they are EVERYWHERE even here in Ireland. ESPECIALLY here in Ireland. You can buy them at Claire's really cheap apparently.


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