Sunday, November 4, 2007

Day 4/Remember to change your clocks..

Where did I leave off. Mmm decorating the house. Not long after I started I realized that we don't have that many decorations. So it looks like it is half done but actually it is all done.
Today I woke up at 7 which was really 6 right? The time change thing is so simple I just can never understand it.
Me and Cade went to the practise for worship. It was seems like we were stopping every couple of minutes and talking about different stuff but we sounded good in the end.
After church I just hung around while my mom had a sunday school meeting. And then we had a bridal shower for this girl that I have never met but she seemed nice.
Just one thing I hate about those things is when the bride keeps commenting on how the groom will get fat from all the stuff she makes and stuff like that. Believe me, it happens alot. I have to almost every shower there has been in the past 8 years..I should know.
Now I am at home. Doing nothing but I think I am going to go start packing/clean the house.

Fact #4:
I need my life to be out and about and busy. I would rather go out and do something boring that stay at home NOT because I don't like it here. No just I don't really have anything to do and when that happens I find myself going to the computer alot.
I need to get a hobby. A timeconsuming one :P.

Extra fact #1: I have the worst memory ever! And it's not even put in a certain catagory as long term or short is all over the place! So if I am repeating fact or anything I am not cheating(well I guess I am but I don't realize it :).

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