Thursday, August 19, 2010

TILT On time. Weird.

1. My New pink lanyard with Dora and 'adorable' all over it.
2. Having all the time in the world to just go through humongous stores like walmart and Zellars.
3. Dates at McDonalds with 'the hottest boy'.
4.Being responsible for things. Most of the time.
6.1-9 shifts. I thought it was going to be horrible but it turned out to be awesome. I guess cause of the people that were working.
7. With me- Sum 41
8. Getting things done that I have been procrastinating FOREVER! (example: replying to a letter my penpal sent..two years ago, now you can appreciate it when it takes me a couple weeks k?)
9. The thrill of buying things online and then receiving them in the mail.
10. Heck, the excitement of waiting for anything in the mail.
11. Continuing on this mail thread: The happiness you get when you receive something in the mail and you weren't even expecting it.

I have so many things running through my brain I can't think.
Ever get that?
It's late, I'm tired, I have to work tomorrow.
But the satisfaction of getting everything done is keeping me up.
Oh well, I've done enough for tonight.
My legs are starting to get those pains from when they are too tired to go any further.

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