Sunday, January 13, 2008


She found me out.

Her Blog is now set to "This blog is open to invited readers only".

Hello. The whole point of a blog is so anybody in the whole wide world can read it.


  1. mmmhhh....i wonder who you would be talking about.

  2. Well sometimes people dont like keeping journals, they like to type better, plus it is faster that way.
    So one reason someone would keep a blog and only show it to like one or two people is because its basically their journal......They will say EVERYTHING in there, who they like, what there favorite smell is, who they dont get along with at all.....Sometimes, SOME people have blogs that ONLY they can see, JUST the author.
    Its important to get your thoughts out, either to a person, a piece of paper or if need be, the computer screen.
    So sometimes, thats one reason people have blogs, but dont show it to the public.

  3. Yeah but then why do it on a blog?
    You(speaking generally here) could just do it on word or something. Or create a blog that nobody knows about and then invite people to read.
    Just all of the sudden making your blog not available is silly.
    And it seems suspicious that she did it right after I blogged about it.


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