Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Typical Day.

I did almost all my school.
But I had to leave early so that is my excuse.

I went to walmart. On a mission.

To make up the ultimate best friend package that I could.
Of course it didn't turn out so awesome as I sorta felt rushed for some reason so I didn't give the idea much thought I just went here and there picked stuff out.

But I tried to pick stuff out that I would be happy to receive.
My mom asked me what the occasion was. No occasion. Friends are just supposed to do things like this.

It's not a bribe to try and make you forget what's in the past.
But to celebrate the start of what's to come.
Me and Kris talked today.
I am probably be bringing in one of my songs next week.
That's a probably not a defenite yes.
I just sorta cringe when I think about it.

But this means that...
1. Yes I have gotten a new Cd this month
2...I have worked more in some of the areas I like not as much as I wanted to though
And 3. I am starting on the whole recording songs bit.

So I am doing good for the first 15 days of this year. Let's hope I can keep up with it.
Oh yeah and I told Kris about my resolution so I basically have to do it now.
I need to go finish school. Especially since teen class starts on Friday so I can't do school all day then.


1 comment:

  1. Lets just say that i love you and your one of my greatest friends.....and that the past is the past, you can not go back, but you can forget....

    The future, your ment to look ahead at, your past, is suppose to stay BEHIND YOU...that is why its called the PAST.

    and moms will be moms........=)


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