Monday, March 24, 2008

Ponderings of the week.

I usually give my bloggers a month.
And if they don't post in a month then they are off the list.
Of course it's quite annoying because usually around day 28 just when I am getting excited they post again.
But I guess that is a good thing.

You know so many times I think of quitting my job but usually I am just fooling myself. When I look at the reality of it I know I could never actually do it.
But, I don't know, lately I have really been weighing the pros and cons so we'll see.

I have decided I need to buy a really good camera, and an acoustic guitar.
All before I leave in the summer.

I have also decided mini eggs taste really good when you know you got them on sale.

Making coffee at home is way harder than making coffee at work. I still haven't gotten it figured out. If anybody can tell me how much coffee grounds to how much water I would greatly appreciate it.

I think too much.

Getting my life in order would probably be a good thing to do around now.

Things I love Thursday(I know I won't remember it. So I might as well do it now.)
1.Mini Eggs
3.Fresh Laundry
4.Using gift cards
5.Having an actual conversation on Msn
6.Singing(I have not done it for so long)
7.Orange Juice
8.....Sniffy Markers

Okay got to go.
Tomorrows another day at work so I am sure I will have something to blog about.

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