Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Full of confessions.

Okay, maybe just one for tonight since it is already so late (*gasp* 9:20! Way too late for my new sleeping pattern.)

So, you might have noticed that I have not been up to my usual blogging standard.
There might be a reason for that.


It's not like I am addicted or anything. Hardly.
To put it in one hyphenated sentence:

Rather than having the idea for a blog post, trying to remember it, finally getting to a computer but forgetting about it until a week later when I finally try and write out what was so amazing way back then..it just doesn't feel right.

But with twitter, you think of something funny or something else you would like to share with your little group of faithful followers and you whip out your phone, text it away and BAM! instantly it's out there.

Not saying it totally replaces my little writing thing I've got going on here. Come on, do you think I can say everything on my mind in less 140 characters sometimes? No way, jose.
But per usual with my generation I am taking the faster, easier, more efficient way out.

P.s. Remember that Jamaica post I promised you months ago? It's totally still coming =).
And I promise I won't put it into,

Haelle "Jamaica was amazing! Yeah, man. Keep the drinks coming! Nothing better than lying on the beach all day. Had so much fun."

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