Friday, October 1, 2010

A slight break from the Caribbean.

Since I am not on my laptop and therefore no pictures.

One thing I have been wanting to mention for a while now and have just not had the time for it is..time.
I am going to get all philosophical on you now.
JK guys! It would take Hannah a while just to figure out what that word means :).

Do you ever have that 'condition' (and I know of at least..1 person who does)
where you see a certain numerical time like every day.
Am I confusing you yet?

Every day at least once I see 11:26.
I do not know why. I don't know if it has a meaning or anything but every day without fail I see it. And sometimes..on a weekend or if I'm being really crazy and stay up too late I see it twice and it drives me crazy.
Like actually.
I am getting to the point where it upsets me.
I try to avoid it as best I can but I keep seeing it.
Any suggestions?

Remember how my cat brought me that loverly present of mouse head and guts?
Well, it's happened two more times since then.
I think he's trying to tell me something. But honestly it's not my fault he gets locked out of the house some nights.

Do you know what I like best? Hanging out by myself. I have a good time. And I don't have to worry about being talkative or what the other person wants to do and when they want to leave. There is no awkward silences.

My job is teaching me how to appreciate weekends. Before this I never took them that seriously. Of course it hasn't helped that the one job I have had made me work every SAturday so I never got the true feel of it. But now that I am a Mon- Fri girl I count down the days and hours and as soon as I have left the building on Friday afternoon I feel like a free spirit. My body though, is still on 'go to bed early and wake up early' mode so I start feeling it about 8. Which is why I must keep myself alive with coffee. I just hope I'm not so into the routine that I will automagically wake up early tomorrow. Gah. I will hate life if that happens.

Okay, I need to finish my book before I sleep.
Goodnight all.
Happy weekend.
Happy Birthday Rylee and David.

Official birthday countdown starts now. 30 days.

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