Monday, February 28, 2011

The Confession: My addiction.

Now, this addiction might be a little rare. Not one you really hear much talk of these days.
But that does not mean it isn't a serious problem and should not be dealt with.

I am addicted to.........dying my hair.
Don't laugh, this is a severe issue.

Let's look at the facts:
1.My hair takes at least twice as long as the average person.
2.I get bored, so I like to switch things up frequently.
3.I am sick of having the same black hair that has been around forever due to fact number one.
4. I have like an inch and a half of roots right now.
5. RED! EW.
(I don't even know if those facts make sense. I'm tired.)

So once again I have recoloured my hair. Although I never make the mistake of permanently dying it anymore. I only do temporary ones that will last up to 28 washes.

Anyway, here is the latest turn out.



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