Monday, February 14, 2011

Ways to make a Valentines Day enjoyable.

1.Dress up and look good just because you want to.
(can't say this is the best I could have been looking but there was a boy around when we were having the shoot and it made me feel awkward to be posing for a camera..cause he was laughing..and being a jerk.)

2.Get the holiday started early by have yummy desserts the night before.

3. Add a little love to everything you do.

4. Go out of your way to make your loved ones feel special. (Reggie enjoyed a nice bath today as well as the redecoration)

5.Pamper yourself, and just do random little things to make yourself happy.

6.Forget societies idea that Valentines Day is for couples and show love to everyone you care about.

7. Watch a super amazing movie that can only get better with every viewing.

8. Use this as an excuse to eat all the stuff that you shouldn't really be eating.

Well everyone, my V-day was thoroughly enjoyable.
And I think it was just my mind set, really.
I went into this day telling myself I was going to be happy no matter what.
And I did everything I could to keep it that way.
Now, normally that wouldn't really work, but today was the exception since it was a day off and I didn't really have to be around people if I didn't want to, or be doing things I didn't want to do.

Happy Valentines Day to everyone out there!

1 comment:

  1. We missed you at the pizza happening, but I'm glad you had a good day. Sean now has his L and I'm a nervous momma again.


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