Sunday, June 13, 2010

My brother and I passed each other half way between Vernon and home. We waved.

Last summer there was a huge fire in Westbank.

I've decided I like roadtrips when I am driving. Preferably alone.

When you get a cut in the back of your throat it feels like you have a sore throat. This puts you in a false panic cause you start thinking maybe you are sick. Which is bad when you have to wake up at five the next morning.

There were sheep.

I can't move my face. It's like when you get Botox.


I recommend face masks for everybody. They make your skin sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo soft.

I lefft my crocs in the car. Apparently one of them got too hot. And shrunk. Who knew that things like this could happen.
those crocs are prretty much my life.
So..I have to find a new pair.


I really need a drink. Of water that is.
Okay enough for today.

1 comment:

  1. i love my crocSS.. mine are almosTT worn oUUt. time to go get a new PPaIIr. you crack me up... your ranDDomness is amazingly epic


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