Tuesday, August 28, 2007

It's that feeling..

when you step on the scale and it says you have lost three pounds.(of course our scale is really out of wack and it is always changing but for the past feww weeks it's been staying at around 105 and now its back to 102 so I am happy..for the most part.)
It's been like 11 days so I thought it's time to fill you in.
I have been busy planning school making up a schedule startting school and now I am ready to tell you my big scheme.
I want to finish grade 10 by christmas which gives 57 days to do it.
I have worked out the schedule and it looks like it is acomplishable. It's just the math part I am worried about basically everything else is cooking or ready which are my best areas. Then just today and yesterday I have been thinking like hey why not after christmas start grade 11 because that would be cool and maybe I would be able to graduate next year(scary thought ain't it.) But I don't really want to think about that now I just want to complete 1 thing at a time.
I got my rdo's(requested days off) back from work and so now I am ready for McQueen lake and mexico.
Anyway..Nadine. Is leaving on thursday and not coming back until february. Let's stop and pause for a moment. She is gone for 2 months..she finally comes home and then four days later she is leaving again..not very fun I mean like come on she is skipping my birthday and christmas. The best days of the year.
But at least I got to see her today twice. And she ate my raisins for me which is kinda like a birthday present.
Now let's talk about the dogs down the street(I would provide a picture to show how mean and scary they are but I never get that close). I have been wanting to go walking forever but no thay are always untied and they come out and bark at me in the most frightening way. One day me and Noah went for a walk with our dog(on a leash of course) and we got one house away from the creepy dogs and already we could see one lying in wait for us. So we turned around and went home. It doesn't help when our dog is a baby and as scared of them as we are. Am I repeating myself? I feel as if I have said this on here before..I tend to repeat myself alot. And I get confused alot but over the simplest things..actually I think it is conversations with people. Like I can be so smart when I am by myself but the I will start talking to someone and totally act like a blonde.
I finished Gilmore Girls 6 so now I just have to watch 7 and 4 and I will officially be done although I want to buy em all and watch them again. Because I am so bad at remembering stuff from movies and everything and in order to be a Gilmore addict I will have to be able to like quote whole scenes. I tried watching Lost over but it was very hard.
I need to start getting up early and make a routine. I sort of have an idea in my head. I have found a new love well rekindled an old one. COFFEE! I drank it every day at camp but (new to me) with cream and sugar I used to hate sugar and I usually had it black. I started drinking the stuff when I was like 6.
Anyway I have a feeling it is going to be a staple these next few months. I have already pitched the idea of buying a one cup new hightech coffee maker to my mom. It would be easier and our one right now is old.
Okay, I don't want to exaust my whole list of blogging ideas.
I hope I have brought a smile to your face, I am pretty good at doing that but I don't know if my writing is the same as my talking..somebody asked me that once. You guys will have to tell me to I can tell somebody.

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