Sunday, April 1, 2012

A pinteresting weekend.

It's feels like it has been such a long time since I have done an 'updating post'. You know, just reminding everybody what I'm up too and all of that fun stuff.
So, really, I'm not even sure that you know much about where I work (a construction site as a 'housekeeper') or what I do in my spare time and weekends (not much on anything, to be honest.).
This post will help delve into that mystery.

As I said previously I work on a construction site. I usually lead with that sentence when I am telling people, but that's a silly idea since then they get really impressed, and I have to let them down by saying all I really do is sweep and pull nails. I guess even holding a hammer is pretty intense for some people. Me, not so much.

I love my job.

I have from the beginning. The cleaning aspect of it is right up my alley, and the whole idea of building a hotel...just seems really cool, and I get to be a part of that.

Anyway, I didn't really come on here tonight to rave about my amazing job.
I was just going to mention that fact that I switched from five 8 hour days to four 10 hour days, but you know me, never giving up the chance to let people know I'm so intense I wear steel toe boots.(I'll leave out the high vis safety vest, 'cause that's just not cool in any way.)

With this change of course means I have a longer weekend, and who can complain about that.
I've noticed that I can get A LOT done with this extra day if I set my mind to it.
A couple weeks ago I painted a whole room on the Friday, and had all of my stuff moved into said room by the end of the weekend. You would think the painting part would take the longest, but you underestimate how much 'stuff' I have possess.

But on the other hand I've noticed how little I can get done in that time if I'm really procrastinating. Which is what I did this weekend. In the end you might say I did a lot. But since it wasn't what needed to get done, I call it nothing.

What needed to get done: Packing my backpack for my upcoming trip.

It didn't get done.

What DID get done:
4 new recipes I found on Pinterest.
1 419 page book.
1 2 1/2 hour nap.
A billion youtube clips of the show "Ellen". Seriously, how have I never seen this show before? Very entertaining.
A second viewing of "The Hunger Games". Well done, in my opinion, but I had no memory of the book, and it seemed that a lot of the movie was shaky and out of focus...possibly supposed to be like that, but it annoyed the crap out of me.
And a whole bunch of other meaningless things.

I'm sure if you are a women, over the age of 15 and under the age of 65, you have discovered this online sensation. I've talked to people who love it, and people who just don't get it. Personally, I love spurts. But sometimes I just forget about it, or don't think it is worth my time. I mostly use it for recipes, although you would never know it if you saw my FOOD! pinboard. The thing is, I don't want to pin a recipe until I know it is a success, but by the time I try the recipe out, I forget where the pin originated from. Alright, for all of you blog readers out there who aren't Pinterest fanatics, I will digress.

Well, I'll show you a sample of what I made first.

Peanut Butter Rice Krispie Squares.
My favourite part of this recipe is that there are no marshmallows! Wait...that's my second fav part. The best part is that it has peanut butter in it :D! But seriously, as much as I like making rice krispie squares, melting the marshmallows stress me out, I'm always worried they will burn, or I won't be able to mix the rice in fast enough. I don't know if you can tell or not but I get stressed easy, I will prove it later on in the post.

'The best ever blueberry muffins'
Okay now. Have you ever been to Starbucks? Have you ever tried their Buttermilk Blueberry Muffins?
Well I have, and they are DELICIOUS! And ever since I had my first one a couple of months ago, I have been searching for a recipe that can replicate that taste. My first attempt was with 'Buttermilk blueberry breakfast cake'(found on Pinterest as well.), but it was too lemony. Not saying that was a bad thing, but just not the taste I was looking for.
But these muffins here, I think they come pretty close. I actually didn't taste them until just now, which is a day later, and they were in a tupperware which made them a bit moist so not the ideal for a muffin, but yumm, I give them a thumbs up.)

Now, I've told you about my job, my weekend, next would be my excuse for the lack of blog posting...which can be boiled down to the job and the weekend.
You see, when you work ten hour days, you come home and it's already past dinnertime, and you are tired and you don't really want to do anything. Now, I could give you blog updates about all the funny youtube videos I've been watching, and the plot of the latest book I read, but that just don't sound very fun at all. Unless it's a really hilarious clip.
On the weekends I have mainly been catching up on stuff that I can no longer do on the weekdays, and getting ready for my trip, so again, not very blog worthy.

You might argue that a real writer could make something out of nothing and create the greatest stories out of all the blah I just told you about, but I'm not a real writer. I just started this blog back when I was 14 for no apparent reason at all. Haha, I just realized this blog still has no reason, so I haven't come very far, have I?
And... There is the whole factor of followers. I see the amount of followers I have rise all the time, and it scares me a little. That might be a bit of the reason I have been hiding out lately.
The idea that so many people are waiting so see what I say next...just a wee bit nerve wracking.

Alright, I feel as this post is getting a little long-winded so I'll just end with one announcement.

Exactly 2 weeks from now I will be in Seattle less than twelve hours away from my flight to Athens, Greece. Am I freaking out? YES!
This is where the stress part comes in. I have been planning this trip for months. But not really planning, because I knew I would be stressed out by it, so I kept putting it off. Well, it's pretty close now, so it can't really be avoided anymore. But if you know me at all, you know that packing of any kind gets me worked up. And the thing is...I just don't know how to pack for this trip, especially when all my stuff has to fit into one 55 litre backpack (trust me, it's not as big as it sounds). So. That's that. I have come pretty close to hyperventilating a couple of times. It hasn't been pretty. But hopefully I will get the situation in control as soon as possible so I won't be a quivering mess for the remaining two weeks.

I will be back soon with more information about my trip.

Thank you all for reading!

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