Monday, April 30, 2012

Honestly guys , I don't think I will ever want to own an iPhone. The little typing I do on his iPod touch is enough for me to hate touch screens forever. So stop hoping for a long post while I am on this trip because there is no way I am going to pay for an Internet cafe when I can get free wifi on he iPod. This next week we are sailing down to coast of Greece to Korinth. There we will be studying the new testament books of 1&2 Corinthians and we will also be driving to Delphi which is said to be the navel of the earth or something weird like that. People used o go there and ask the priestess's for guidance in every area of their life, from buyin land to starting wars. The town we are in right now is 20 kilometers from the battlefield of 'the battle of 300' which we had the option of going to see, but apparently it's only a field and a statue of king Leonidas ,nothing spectacular so we all opted out I it. Until next time!


  1. Thanks for even short posts! Love to hear how things are going.

  2. You gave me my daily belly chuckle with your "navel of the earth" comment. Love you!

  3. nice page

  4. It all sounds amazing!! Such a awesome experience!


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