Thursday, November 10, 2011

General Report.

Hey Guys.
So my posts have been so all over the place I really don't know what YOU know.
Which means I will just ramble on about my life of late, and you can skip the parts you already know about.
Because I realize that some of you might get duplicate messages sometimes since you talk to me in person and read my blog.

At the very end of August I packed up my car, and drove back to Kamloops for the time being.
Even from the start of September I was already job hunting since that was one of the biggest reasons I was excited to be home. Working at childrens camp can be really fun and rewarding but it never felt like work to me. And I sort of need that feeling.

But the job market here has not been so swell. That, and the fact that I can be pretty picky.
Well, the time for pickiness was over as the weeks crept by and still there were no 'perfect' prospects for me. So, one day, while on scouting out the latest job postings, I noticed an ad for Arby's.

The Job
I was at a low point.
And they were hiring full time.
I applied.

I got the job!
Only they tricked me and it wasn't full time.

So for the last month, I have been working at Arby's.  And I enjoy it.
I was just realizing that I love customer interaction, and I get plenty of that there.
Also 50% off all Arby's food. (confession:before starting there I had never had any of the food except for the milkshakes and curly fries, oh and a potato. So I'm a pretty big newb.)
One thing I have had to get used to it the change of pace.
Tim Hortons is always go, go, go. And there is ALWAYS something to do.
Arby's has its rushes. But it also has a lot of down time, where there is nothing to do. And it's hard for me to just stand there and not be working. And it makes the day go that much slower.

The Work Out!
Um. Where are all my accountability partners? Because the work out has come to a halt and I need motivation.
But honestly, since I have slacked off and not done the physical exercise, I have felt worse. And guilty.
So..tomorrow I will get back on that horse.

On a maybe somewhat related note:

The Diet! 
No eye rolling, people!
I am making wise, healthy choices.
And I am on a wheat free/gluten free diet for a while.
Don't actually know how long I will be able to keep it up, but hopefully somewhere along the lines of a month. Or longer, but I already told my mother I'm calling it quits for Christmas.
I don't know if I should be feeling the difference, already. I haven't really thought of noticing differences yet. So we'll just leave that for a while.

Other than that..nothing much goes on in my little life.
I am pretty reclusive outside of my work life. And I tend to spend my weekends at home instead of out and about. I read a lot, and I keep up with quite a few tv shows.

The brother is away on vacation in Mexico right now, but once he returns I will forcing him to work on those renos every waking non-working moment until it is finished.

1 comment:

  1. 1. the stationary bike is set up to accept TV shows. So no excuse there.
    2. Christmas will be as wheat free as I can make it so you can hold out till AFTER the holiday.

    Hang in there. You can do it.


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