Saturday, April 23, 2011

So stoked on life!

I'm happy.

the kind of happy that comes from realizing as I'm going about my day that I'm blessed, content and just okay to enjoy where I am in life right now.

you should try it, it's quite the feeling.

Of course there are other reason for being so happy. There is excitement for what is to come. Let me tell you. I have a two/three year plan in front of me. Not totally sorted out, but in it there is 'school', traveling, living in other countries and branching out from the norm. of course the excitement of now will turn into the panic of tomorrow, but I'll deal with that when i come to it.

For now I'm just STOKED. thinking about future plans and also enjoying the moment as I putter around creating my tiny flower garden.

Happy Easter Everyone!


  1. Im happy your happy. ps, your package is still coming, i got to go get it on Tuesday. and i'll mail it before next Friday.

  2. Awesome Easter Princess!!

  3. Hooray! I love that feeling :)


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