Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Need kickboxing lessons.

So I bought some books on the way to Herald park on Thursday just in case things were slow.
The one I started first was a murder mystery about a pedophile.
So I gradually read it over the weekend finishing just after I got home on Sunday afternoon.
Okay second part. Since I had been constantly eating the whole weekend I felt very fat and I needed to do something physical so while my mom was at her bible study on Sunday night I went for my usual Tim Hortons walk. Wow, I was so creeped out by everything on that walk. I mean I usually am a little paranoid, but that was times ten of what I usually feel.

When I got to Timmies I was healthy and got a buttered bun and only two timbits.

When I was telling this story to Kris at my lesson today he suggested I carry a pocket knife with me at all times. I think I like the kickboxing idea better.


  1. Wow!!...k. a bunch of us girls have to take some kickboxing lessons together.

    It's so much fun!

  2. I'm not a huge fan of that walk either. Kickboxing sounds fun!


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