Thursday, March 17, 2011


There is someone I love very much. He's not quite grown up and ready to assist in day to day trials,  but I like him that way and he is a good companion when going pumpkin picking or wildlife park viewing. But wait, if your day to day trail has anything to do with star wars or canucks trivia he would be a great help.*

There is someone I love very much. He's good to hangout with when we arrive at an event and nobody else shows up for 45 minutes. Or laugh together about groceries, cutlery and tuesdays. And he is kind enough to rebuild fences for me when I knock them over with my bad driving skills(heh heh funny story...).*

There is someone I love very much. He is good for anything in the way of car maintenance really. Or a good person to call when your co worker needs a car part delivered right away but the car part stores only deliver to auto shops, he will  order it and drive it over on his break just for you. Oh, and if you are ever in the need of partner when you are playing the pretend sermon game he would be the one you should pick(don't ask, it was a VERY long time ago).*

There is someone I love very much. He's good for cheering you up whenever, going to concerts with, being there to hold you when there was no one else to call on your darkest day. He'll drive anywhere to pick you up, and buy anything you think his house needs :).*

There is someone I love very much. This one can make you smile just by saying that crazy nickname that was born one day after eating too much of one type of candy.
He's a great companion when climbing intense mountains and knowledgable on all things related to outdoor equiptment. And I do believe one of these days he will make a wonderful traveling buddy.*

There is someone I love very much. SHE is probably the best thing ever. Someone you can vent to about the same things over and over and over and over again but she still at least pretends that she is interested. She would probably knit anything in the world for you. And is pretty good about paying for the things you sneak into the buggy while she isn't looking.*

There is someone I love very much. He volunteers for hours each winter just so you can ski for free(well, thats the story I made up for myself and I'm sticking to it :).
He has a nickname for me that makes me feel like I'm five again, but I'm okay with it.
Oh and a very lame sense of humour sometimes, all you can do is roll your eyes and say "oh, dad."*

So as you might have guessed by now...I'M HOME!
And being home has gotten my emotions going so of course I had to blog about the enormous amount of love that I have for my family.

I have a lot of to say about a myriad of things that are going on but I'll leave that until tomorrow.
My sleep-o-meter needs to get caught up.

*this result is not intended for all viewers. some many restrictions may will apply.

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