Monday, March 14, 2011

I have been holding out on you guys.

So I actually have this huge piece of information that I have been withholding from you.
I'm sorry.
I did want to mention it, but blogging just hasn't been at the top of my list for the last...month..and a you can understand why I haven't gotten around to it.

Okay, here goes nothing..

Roomie left.
March 4th

Figures that only roommate I have ever had would leave after living with me for only two months, doesn't look too good for future hope of marriage.

Okay, so it wasn't all my fault.
Actually it wasn't my fault at all. But of course my ego would want to be at least part of the reason.

She left for good reasons, and I'm happy for her although I'm sad she is gone.

On the other hand I do enjoy having a room to myself.
I have arranged it to my liking and surprise surprise I have managed to keep it clean ever since.
Partially because there is not much else to do beside clean here. That's mainly what I do...clean and early bedtimes. I need a hobby...

Anyway before I say goodnight here is a picture of the *updated* living quarters.
I think I would do quite well at the 'student living in a tiny dorm room' life.
Well, minus the student part :).

Happy Monday, Everybody.

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