Monday, February 1, 2010

Day #9

Some things you should know:
1.An 8-4 shift is horrible. That half an hour makes all the difference.
2. The new whole leaf tea from Starbucks? Looks cool..but I can't stand their Earl Grey. I'm thinking that this is the reason I didn't like the London Fog the one time I tried it there.

3.Planning is fun.
4.Organizing is also fun.
5.When sleeping in the half an hour doesn't make any difference.
6.When I go to movies I get paranoid and convince myself I didn't lock the car and I don't enjoy the movie because of that.
7.When Bluenotes online has a free shipping sale I get extremely happy.
7 1/2. But not when the only shirt I would think to buy is extremely low large..

8.Everett Manning died. We had a funeral for him on Saturday. I got over the grief pretty quickly. But I don't think I'm ready for another commitment that huge quite yet.

9.This new hair dye is awesome possum. I had my hair up all day and usually if I take it out at the end it is all over the place and has nasty lines in it. But I took my hair out of the pony tail today and it was all smooth and sleek. And I was happy.
Before I dyed it..

And after I dyed it..

10. Arms can be nasty.

Helloooo everybody.
Guess what?
Today is the last full day.
I have enjoyed it immensely.
But..not that sad to see it go either.
Tonight I'm going to do another huge clean and then tomorrow I work so I will just have to trust that the boys can keep it clean for the few short hours from when they wake up to when the parents arrive.
Then it's back to being a normal teenager without a care in the world :).

1 comment:

  1. I feel like throwing up everytime I saw/see his arm like that.



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