Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The little things (version two)

Not only can little things make me very happy, but they can also make me very upset.
Maybe a little explanation is needed on this one.

Have you ever had one of those days where technically you should be happy cause nothing majorly bad has occurred but on the other hand, a whole bunch of little things went wrong and they stacked on top of each other and by the end of it you just want to crawl into bed for a couple hours and cry?

If it's not the fact that I stupidly gashed my thumb it could be...
People giving other people stupid haircuts just to annoy me (you don't deserve to have your name mentioned,hun)...
Or maybe having to stay awake 'til two when I wanted to go to bed at nine...
Getting pushed into the ocean with my clothes on...
With my cell phone in my pocket...
Being told(and honestly at that) that I look like I'm 8 years old.

Sometimes it's just too much for a little Hannah to handle.

On a day like this I just want to take my car and drive really fast for a really long time.
But the fastest you can legally go on Quadra would be 60 and I really don't want to make my day that much worse by getting pulled over and ticketed.

So this is me in my grumpy pants.

P.s. Mom, if you read this...my cell phone is not working. I put it in rice but...it might be dead. So I prolly won't be calling you until the day before I leave. And it will be call collect. Be ready.


  1. I am very sad about that phone. I was looking forward to having it for myself in the fall. But keep a stiff upper lip about all the little bumps in the road...when you are eighty years old it will be meaningless. Love you and miss you and looking forward to you coming home.

  2. Your tough as nails kiddo...! And silly me... to think i was upset you didn't return my text. See you soon!


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