Monday, October 27, 2008

What can I say?

My life is altogether to busy for blogging..=).*Cough*big*cough*fat*cough*lie*cough*

And even though I thought of several things I could blog about today I am only going to leave you with one fact that I have recently discovered.

"Man pillow cases do not lose their man scent even after being through the washer/dryer/lying in the laundry room for probably weeks. Follow up: Then ironing that previously mentioned cotton item only makes the scent more intense."*It was overpowering to say the least*

No you are not allowed to ask why the crap was I ironing pillowcases at 11:30 at night.


  1. I may ask a similar question though. Why were you ironing man pillowcases?


  2. hahaha Hannah i will obey your orders and not ask.. =P but you are funny one ..

  3. What the crap... you are one messed girl! haha Man pillow cases!
    1. where did you get them...
    2. why were you actually ironing them... i know you said you werent telling but wow...
    3......... what exactly does man smell like... sweat... muscle... fart...?

  4. Oh, Hannah.....Which "man" made you pillow case smell like man?!


  5. Hannah.. you have a lot of explaining to do.. fess up and fast

  6. Why the crap were you ironing pillowcases at 11:30 at night??

    (MAN pillowcases even...yeesh)

    I think man pillowcases smell very strongly because men:

    a. don't wash their hair as often as girls

    b. don't use pretty scented shampoo on the rare occasion that they do wash their hair.

    c. don't change their pillowcases very often AT ALL.

    ew. yuck. gross.


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