Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Cliche New Year post?



I don't know what to say.
I told myself that resolutions were not going to happen this year.

I can't not have at least one.
It's tradition to have resolutions just so you can feel disappointed at the end of the year when you don't accomplish them. :) I'm all about tradition.

So this year I will:

1. Read the unabridged version of Les Miserables.
2. Find somebody that I can kiss at the stroke of 12 next new years. (there is a little more in that one, but not really something I want to go into on here.)
3. Have a 1 month goal for every month.
4. Achieve something that will make the whole year seem worthwhile.

There, I have the perfect mixture of vague, and so very not vague.

Number 3 is humorous.
The thing is, I have realized I have an addiction to coca-cola. And I told myself I would have a resolution to help me with that. But the thought of going without it was just too much to bear. So Coca-Cola will be my January goal. And by the end of January I will have thought up something for February, and so on. My hope is that by going off the pop for one month, I will stop craving it, and not want it anymore anyways.

Number 4 sounds a little strange. Depressing almost, but I really don't mean it to be that way. I don't feel as if life is meaningless in the ordinary day to day living. I'm actually very okay with it. But I feel as if having one big thing to look back on can also be very satisfying.
My Europe trip was definitely the achievement of this past year.
There were so many aspects of the whole thing that taught me so many different things. I am very glad that I got to experience it all. And as I'm already learning, the bad parts make for excellent stories.

Happy New Year, everyone!
I'm ready to go out of my way to make 2013 amazing, and I hope you feel the same way.

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