Saturday, March 10, 2012

A rush of energy and cheer.

I have never seemed to be that great at routine. I am getting better at it these days, what with having a steady full time job and all. Maybe a little too routine at times. I wake up at the same time every morning, and have specific times for each little task that needs to be done before leaving the house.
But things like remembering to rip off a page of my daily flip calendar usually get forgotten until I'm catching up on everything on the weekend.
That happened this week.

So here I am, late Saturday night, cleaning my room so I can wake up to tranquility in the morning, ripping off several pages in succession.
When I come across this one:

"Happiness 911
Need a quick jolt of happiness, right now? Try this:
Rid yourself of a nagging task. Answer a difficult email, purchase something you need, or call to make that dentist's appointment. Crossing an irksome chore off your to do list will give you a rush of energy and cheer."

I laughed a little, since I had just finished a headache making hour of filing my tax return. The daunting task had been hanging over my head ever since I got the notice in the mail in early January.
It was frustrating. And I was not kidding about the head ache, it hurts.'s done! I do feel very cheerful. And the added bonus of getting quite a bit of money back makes it that much better.

Of course that was only one irksome task off of a list of many...but I'll worry about those another day.

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