Monday, January 30, 2012

It's a baking party.

What happens when the parents go away for several days?


Or not.

It has gone something like this...

Clean, clean, clean, clean.
*wait! I need to make dinner. Let's find some meat in the freezer.*
Clean the freezer.
Discover 29 black bananas, bags of raspberries, and some tart shells.
24 hours later= 5 loaves of banana bread, 2 dozen chocolate chip banana muffins, 2 dozen butter tarts and two containers of homemade raspberry jam, oh, and the kitchen is spotless in spite of all this.

Sometimes I wish I was a normal teenager.
Although I know all the mothers out there reading this are probably wishing I was their daughter.

And since I know I won't eat all of this myself, I made up a plate for the neighbours as a thank you for plowing the snow off our driveway.

I don't want to be Susie Homemaker, but apparently I can't get away from her.
Let's just keep this on the down low, though. It could kill my reputation :).

1 comment:

  1. you could always share a loaf of birthday banana cake :-)


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