Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Some things you should know..

..But you probably don't #2.
*Note* As you might have noticed, I have not been blogging as much as is my usual. But I will have you know that I have been trying..I had like 6 drafts but they were all short and boring and most of the things I was talking about is long in the past so I took two of the 'information' ones and am mashing them together. So some of the facts might be a little outdated.
1. I take my tea black but my coffee double double.
2.I can live with only small amounts of sleep, but I prefer not to.
3. My eyes are exactly the same, like same prescription. So if I accidently switched my contacts I would be okay.
4.I used to get a chubby chicken burger every time I went to the mall and sour patch kids every time I went to the movie theater.
5.I am really shy when I first start thing and then as time goes by I get more confident and like my normal self.
1. Chocolate kisses start tasting funny if you save them so eat them right away....I guess that could go for real kisses too :).
2. I hit my head on the corner of my desk this morning, while I was still sleeping. It could have been really serious but it isn't, it just hurts like..nasty spiders though.
3.Disturbia is pretty much my favorite song right now. Every time it comes on a work(which is like at least once a shift) me and Taran start singing along.
4.I found $3.50 in the couch. It made me happy.
5.I love those days when I make everything clean and organized and I do everything I'm supposed to. But those days don't happen very often.
6.My hair is realllllllllllllly soft.
7.The other day my mother bribed me. I know. It was shocking.
8.Only wierdo's(like my family) has a turkey dinner in March.
9.I took off all the nailpolish on my toes today, and I counted 4 different colour layers.
10.When I am procrastinating from school I usually like to clean the house. Which always makes my mom mad, cause on one hand she wants me to do school but then on the other hand she likes having her house clean..=).
1. Hot smoothie with chai tea bag=the best thing ever!

1 comment:

  1. ew..hot smoothies. I've never had one..but just the thought =)
    Well my lady. I know one or two things more about you.

    But you need to stop hitting your head please.


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