Thursday, July 24, 2008

Paynet(the t is silent)

So actuualy compared to spring break this summer has been really easy.
My girls have been good almost all the time.
And yeah.
I do have a break..I can't really remember when..from like next wednesday so sometime after that I can't remember so yeah I will come home.
It's funny cause I started out in the beginning waking up at like 5:30 and then I decided that no there really no point to that so now I just wake up at 6:30.
Oooo as soon as I got here like a weeks and a half ago. I got a cold..I know it sucked and so I had that all happen and then something else happened..and then on sunday I wake up...and tada I have pink eye. So I was like all ready to go home and they said I didn't have to that I was still in a cabin..Umm excuse me Pink eye is really contagious. But anyway so yeah I am glad I didn't go since this week has been really fun.
So that's it for now.
I will see you soon.
Unless you are a stranger.
And you live in Alaska.
All right bye.
Oh guys have to keep blogging because I need some source of the outside world.

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