Family bonding over a board game or puzzle? That is a thing of the past.
Here is three great things to make your Christmas eve special and awesome like ours.
1. A little last minute wrapping.
2. This just in:the new way to bond with your family would have to be watching Star Wars on your new 42" television.
We never have been good at leave the opening of presents until Christmas morning.
3. Adding a little spring to our step, the old fashioned way.
Have a happy Christmas. Don't too caught up in the presents and food though...
*pause* I just remembered that I get to eat Turkey and mashed potatoes tomorrow.
This just made me really excited. I had forgotten about Christmas dinner. *unpause*
Anyway..where was I? Be happy. Make memories, remember memories.
Talk about your old job that you haven't worked at in four months but it still seems to be dragged back in every family conversation you have(haha, yeah we are weird).
That makes me super happy! :-) merry Christmas shortie!!