Sunday, October 3, 2010

Speaking of time management..

Okay this is really bad. I go to blog about time management at 9:55 pm when I am waking up at 4 the next morning while at the same time I am doing like 30 other things I have to get done tonight.
But then again..maybe that means it is fitting?

So, as you guys have noticed my blog is very light and cheerful and never really anything about seriousness. I would like to change it up tonight and actually talk about some of the stuff going on in my life. (Don't get too scared. It's not that bad I promise. And it will be short..for reason mentioned previously.)

Let's be honest.
It helps that not many people who read my blog go to my church :).
I don't really understand my pastor at all. Or maybe it's not that I understand..I just don't really try very hard. And it makes it very frustrating for me since as much as I want to learn and grow in my Christianity I feel like I'm being held back a bit, since church is a big part of guiding Christians along.

Awhile back I actually did go to a couple of different churches testing them out and I might start doing that again. But only half of me wants to do that because I do really love my church.

Okay, so that's serious subject number 1

2: along the lines of that, at young adults tonight all we did for our study was go over what had been said in the sermon this morning.
And this helped IMMENSELY! I don't know if Ryan was putting it in a way I could understand better or I was just in a better mood for listening but I actually could pick stuff up and it was so applicable.

We talked about time management. Which made me laugh alot inside.
Cause looking at my life right now you could probably say that there is no structure and I have no idea what the heck I am doing.
Here is how it goes.
When I come home from work I am super stinking tired and I do not want to do anything except lie on my bed and watch tv shows or read.
So I push all my responsibilities away promising myself I will do them later.
That continues for all of the week and finally Friday is here and I get all excited cause I get to relax and recharge. But ooops, I can't, cause now I have to do all that stuff I didn't do during the week. And since it's the weekend I feel as if I can go to bed later and it all ends up in my being overworked(on the weekend!), tired and really not looking forward to starting it all over again on Monday morning.
So I felt very convicted after this whole discussion.
Especially when I remember that I have been pushing off things like devotions and prayer as well. it makes me sad.
So, starting tomorrow I am going to live in a box with just me and a Bible, k?
Hah. I know it doesn't work like that. Although, sometimes I wish it could.
It will take me quite awhile to figure out how I can cut back off on frivolous things and get more into things that really matter.

That's about it.

And that is the serious portion on my blog for..6 months at least I would say :).

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