Friday, September 10, 2010

It's what I like best.

I got in a mood today.
Good thing that usually my moods mean alot of time spent in the kitchen which was the case today.

I started off with cupcakes since I had a huge craving for them. But only white cupcakes.
There was no premade box waiting for me in the pantry so I actually had to make them from scratch!

Then I got sidetracked while looking for meatball recipes and discovered an easy Quiche recipe that looked really good.
Quiche has always been one of those things that I hear about alot and I've always wanted to try eating or making it but just never gotten around to it.
Well, it surprised me. Who knew that it was pretty much an egg pie? I asked my mother about a dozen times if I am actually supposed to be making a pie crust for this.
It had been ages since I made pastry but it actually tasted amazing.

Meatballs! Haha I had fun with these. I couldn't find a recipe ANYWHERE so..I improvised. Just tossing in things that looked good :) and did a basic sauce. Well, the idea of it was basic but there was a million ingredients. They tasted SO good. Too good in fact, I'm sorry to say but most of what went into my stomach today was either bacon or meatballs so after dinner I didn't feel so well.

It's a good thing I got around to all of this today because starting next week there are going to be alot of changes..stay tooned.

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