Sunday, November 30, 2008

The last couple days.

I went in for skating, my first time of the season. It wasn't really that good but at least it wasn't a total flop. Then after I went for a walk, stopping at two neccesary points(Shoppers Drug Mart and Coopers). Afterwhich I walked some more to work. Since I was so early I had brought some school to do. But instead of doing it, Julie asked me to start early. So I did. An hour early.
The whole shift went okay. Except for the fact I worked 7 1/2 hours.

But I had had like a ton of pop with caffiene in it so I couldn't get to sleep for ever(1:30) which was bad cause the lock-in was the next day.

So first it was our last Climbing Gym. It was good. I completed #13. And the swing was pretty fun. Then the Kandace's drove me up to the mall where I wasted some time dressing up and prancing around Thrifty's. Then Angela picked me up and we went out for dinner at Milestones. Rishelle was working so I got to see her in her natural habitat..well, she was training at the bar and testing all the drinks so I hope that isn't her natural habitat. But dinner was nice, and finally catching up with Ang was really good.

So after that we went down to the church and finished setting up. Then there was some Gargon and bowling..okay I have to admit that bowling was pretty fun. Even though I kept complaining that I hated it and pretty much all of my team sucked(sorry Andrew you're just not good at bowling :P.). So since my group had Behn driving us we stopped at Timmy's before going back. And I have to admit that the night shift was not really up to par, but we got our caffiene and that's all that mattered. When we arrived back at the church they had already started the fear factor game but I hadn't wanted to participate in the first place so it was okay just watching.

I can't even remember how the events went after that. Pizza making and eating..playing dutch blitz...watching really wierd cartoons(hmm I wonder who's idea that was?). Then dodgeball. And then I started playing Rummy with Andrew..who did not explain the game properly at all, making up rules and not telling important ones..tsk tsk I disapprove. But it was fun. Some other people joined so we had to play it the proper way which was stupid so I started losing. Then we just played cards and then talked for like 5 hours I would say.

Then pancakes and bacon. Then cleaning up(it is so much easier bringing the couches back down the stairs than it was bringing them up). Then leaving, going home and passing out not before I set the alarm for 3 pm. I was out like a light until then. So at three I woke up turned off the alarm, checked my cell phone for messages and went back to sleep. I woke up a bit in the night but I didn't officially get out of bed til 7:00 so just a bit under 21 hours.

Sick I know. But I am one of the few people that can say we were up the entire night. It's pretty awesome, especially cause like about 10 the night before I had started feeling really sleepy..But I made it.

1 comment:

  1. ha i knew you were having fun... Even though someone didn't know any of the real rules.


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