Friday, September 28, 2007

Internet Findings

1.Why dogs bite people.
2.No nursing home for me.
3. Pirate Laws
4. Classical Barbie Girl
5. Plastic Spoon
6. ....
7. The end of the Internet
8. Drunk Joke
9.Universal Truths


  1. Hmm, you are going to have a tough time of it if you ever decide to be pirate I'm afraid...
    and Ps. How are capri pants unacceptable to pirates?? I've never seen a pirate that wasn't wearing capri pants! I've never seen them wear full length pants, or shorts. They're always somewhere in the middle....I think the writer of these laws had too much grog.
    And besides all that Pirates don't even HAVE laws! If there is one thing I learned from PoTC is that rules are guidelines.
    haha this is a long comment....


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